Japan Tour 2023


Ron and I are so happy to announce that we are touring Japan at the end of May! We were meant to tour there in 2020, but well, we didn’t even get the chance to announce that before you-know-what happened.

We will be touring and teaching workshops alongside the amazing Toshi Bodhran from 27th May until the 4th June. We’ve announced some dates (on gigs page) but keep checking back for the full details over the next couple of weeks.

We’ve listed below the exact details so far, below.

This tour has been made possible by the Daiwa Anglo Japanese Foundation who have supported us in our collaboration with Toshi. We can’t wait to share our Scottish culture with our Japanese friends and in turn learn more about their culture.




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<Harp & Guitar, Scottish Acoustic Show & Workshop>
5/30 (Tues) Osaka Time Blue
[Harp & Fiddle Workshop]
15:30~17:00 (1.5h)
18:30open / 19:00start
Workshop fee: 4000 yen (reservation required)
Live Audience Fee: Booking ¥3,500 / Same Day ¥4,000
Workshop + Live Cost: 6,500 yen
Performing Rachel Hair&Ron Jappy with Toshi Bauron
Book now tokyoirishcompany@gmail.com
件名→5/30 time blue
Main text → name, number of people, contact,
Live workshop (harp or fiddle) mark your attendance
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<Scottish Music Night in Kyoto>
5/31 (Sat) Kyoto Shibuya
17:30open / 18:30start
Reservation ¥3,500 / Same day ¥4,000. Separate orders required.
Starring: Rachel Hair & Ron Jappy with Toshi Baulon
Book now takutaku@geisya.or.jp
件名→5/31 Scottish
Main text → name, number of people, contact,
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<Scottish Music Night in Tokyo>
June 2nd (Fri) Tokyo Daikanyama. If it’s sunny, spread beans in the sky.
18:30 open / 19:30 start
Reservation ¥3,500 / Same day ¥4,000
Starring: Rachel Hair & Ron Jappy with Toshi Baulon
OA: Squirrel Duck
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<Scottish Harp & Fiddle workshop>
June 3rd (Sat) Tokyo Lesono Sound (Okinawa) & Studio Hibiki (In front of Shinjuku Yakushi)
Morning session 11:30am-1:00pm (1.5h)
Afternoon session 2:00-3:30 (1.5h)
Workshop fee: 4000 yen per session (reservation required)
Harp Workshop: Morning / Beginner / Afternoon / Intermediate. Venue: Lesono Sound
Fiddle Workshop: Morning Strathspey/Afternoon Reel. Venue: Studio Echo
Book now tokyoirishcompany@gmail.com
件名→6/3 WS
Main text → name, number of people, contact,
Harp or fiddle, morning or afternoon, sign up
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<Harp & Guitar, Scottish Acoustic Show>
June 4th (Sun) Kamizu Kamikawa Roba House
12:00open / 13:00start
Reservation ¥3,500 / Same day ¥4,000 / Junior High School Students ¥2,000
Performing Rachel Hair&Ron Jappy with Toshi Bauron
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