Archibald Knox Commision


I was thrilled to be commissioned by Culture Vannin and the Archibald Knox Society to write the piece “The Deer’s Cry” to celebrate 150 years since the birth of the famed Manx art nouveau designer Archibald Knox.

I performed “The Deer’s Cry” last week on Knox’s 150th birthday, together my student harp ensemble “Claasagh”, to a sell-out crowd at St Germans Cathedral, on the Isle of Man, and was thrilled to have it so warmly received.

It’s hoped that I’ll perform it again at the at the Knox exhibition as part of the Olympia International Arts & Antiques Fair, in London, in June. It will be recorded later in the year and the sheet-music for the piece will be available to download online, for free, soon.

WATCH a wee video of Knox’s Jig in the gallery of this site