the next stage… Distribution and PR


Greetings from a very wet and windy Oban! I’ve been here to adjudicate the clarsach (Scottish harp) competitions at the Oban Mod. I’ve a wee bit of waiting till my lift back to Glasgow, so I thought I should take the chance to write a blog. As I type, I’m surrounded by beautiful Gaelic acapella harmony singing as the choirs …


rachelMCPS ETC, Tips

WARNING… this is a long blog but HIGHLY recommended if you’re a self-releasing CD artist…. If you’re self-releasing an album, and you’ve finished mixing it, you’ll soon realise it’s very easy to get overcome with the amount of abbreviations you have to deal with…. PPL, ISRC, EAN, PRS, MCPS AP2. For those of you’ve who’ve been through it before I …

Budgetting… arghhhhhh!


Budgetting. Argh. It’s a scary word, but my goodness it’s essential to budget things when recording and releasing an album, especially when you’re self releasing. We’re 2/4’s of the way through the whole process now and I’d say about 2/4’s of the budget has been spent. I knew roughly how much I wanted to spend on this album, partly through …

Mix, mix, mix


So the next stage of the album is complete… mixing! We’re mixing with Iain Hutchison at Glo-Worm Studios. I’ve known Iain for 14 years now. We both studied Applied Music together and he was in my group of friends at halls…long live the days of Douglas House (don’t worry Iain, I won’t be posting pictures on this)! Since our uni …

Recording underway … but not without hiccups!


Ok, so… so much for the more regular blogs! I’m very behind uploading them, so lets go back in time to approximately 2 weeks ago, before all the holiday fun… So, the bulk of the tracking of the album is complete! We’ve had 9 days of actual recording in Carrier Waves Studio with our engineer Keir. The first few days …

Pre-production… in the studio at last!


So, the album has begun! We’re in the studio, and in the middle of pre-production. The studio is in the South-East of Glasgow and is the newly re-opened Carrier Waves studio, run by Keir Long and Andrea Gobbi. It’s such a convenient place for us to record… we’re all within 15 minutes drive of the place, which makes mornings and …

Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse!


Happy Thanksgiving to all readers in the USA! Apologies for the lateness of this blog. I had planned to do another one last week while in Norway, but time ran away with itself. We’re back safe and sound now after a very successful tour and we visited some stunningly beautiful places. Here’s a photo from Solund… one of the Westerly …

Sourcing the Material


Sourcing the Material So blog number 2! Thank you so much to everyone who read and shared my first blog. I hope you enjoyed reading. Please do take the time to share this one too. I’m currently in Førde, in beautiful western Norway on tour with the trio. It’s our 3rd schools tour out here. The Norwegian government have got …