Music on new ABRSM Harp Syllabus


I’m chuffed to bits to have 3 pieces of mine included on the new ABRSM pedal and lever harp exam syllabus. All are in my book Journey with the Harp from Home which is available in book and instant pdf download from
 think it’s important for every player to know a little bit about the background and cultural context on the tunes as it undoubtedly helps craft your own performance of them. There’s more info in the book but here’s a little bit about each:
Chyndaa yn Bwoailley (grade 2)
This is the tune used for the Manx couple dance of the same name. I think this is the first time a tune from the Isle of Man has been included in the harp syllabus, and mmm, trying to find out if it’s also the first Manx tune ever to be included in any ABRSM syllabus.
Cameron Donald’s (grade 2)
This fun little jig sounds as if it’s named after some poignant person in Scottish history, but eh, actually I named it after the Australian IoM TT winning motorcycle racer Cameron Donald!
Tune for Esme (grade 4)
This is a very special tune that I composed for the late harpist Esme Morris Macintyre. Her bucket list included getting Scottish harpists to write and arrange a book of harp tunes for her. We managed it, and the book and CD Esme’s adventures can still be bought today.